Child pornography cases in Louisiana are not taken lightly. As such, child porn charges in Louisiana carry harsh penalties if the perpetrators get convicted. Nevertheless, before obtaining a conviction verdict, the prosecution must demonstrate that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the crime.
There are various potential penalties for possessing child porn in Louisiana. However, if you have been charged with this sort of crime, contact our Louisiana child porn defense attorneys at John D. & Eric G. Johnson Law Firm immediately. We will work with you to help protect your rights every step of the way.
What Are Child Pornography Charges in Louisiana?
According to Louisiana Revised Statute 14:81.1, child porn is any pornographic material, including videos, pictures, or other productions, either in physical or electronic form, that involves juveniles. It’s illegal to produce, reproduce, distribute, advertise, or possess this material. Those who are found in breach of this law may face felony charges. It’s crucial to note that defendants cannot use a lack of knowledge of the victim’s age as a defense.
Usually, the charges vary depending on the circumstances. For example, a person found with just a picture depicting child porn may be charged with possession of child porn. On the other hand, possessing more than three copies of child porn may imply intent to distribute, which carries more penalties if convicted.
Penalties of Child Porn in Louisiana
The consequences of a child porn conviction profoundly depend on the type of charges. Sentences for child porn have no possibility of parole or probation. They may include:
- For possession of child pornography conviction, a first-time offender may get a minimum of 5 years in prison to a maximum of 20 years and a fine of up to $50,000.
- Repeat perpetrators may be given up to 40 years of jail time and a fine of $75,000 if convicted.
- When the case involves a victim younger than 13 years and an offender older than 17, fines and sentences may double.
- Child porn may also be charged as a federal offense, especially when it involves online distribution, which carries worse penalties if convicted.
Another repercussion of a child porn conviction is that you’ll be required to register as a sex offender, which carries significant consequences. This registration can greatly limit your employment, housing, and other restrictions that can negatively affect you in the future. The best chance you have is to fight for a “not guilty” verdict to protect your rights and future.
Consult a Child Porn Defense Lawyer at John D. & Eric G. Johnson Law Firm
Facing any form of criminal charge is hard, and it becomes even harder if the charges encompass sexual-related charges involving minors. Even before the case can be settled, you may face stigma from friends, family, and the community. The only chance you have to reclaim your status and secure your future is to fight back against the charges and possibly get the judge or jury to dismiss them or pass a “not guilty” verdict.
At John D. & Eric G. Johnson Law Firm, we have represented many clients facing different forms of child porn charges in Louisiana for many years. We know what works and what doesn’t. Trust our Louisiana criminal defense attorneys today to fight for you. Contact us online or call us at (318) 377-1555 to schedule a free, confidential consultation.